Dr Peter Heydon
Dr Peter Heydon is a trained uveitis and medical retina specialist, cataract surgeon and general ophthalmologist.
Peter is a consultant ophthalmologist at Liverpool and Royal Prince Alfred Hospitals. He completed his undergraduate medical degree at the University of New South Wales in 2006 and then obtained a Masters of Medicine in Ophthalmic Science at The University of Sydney.
His ophthalmology training was conducted at Sydney Eye Hospital, Royal Prince Alfred and Liverpool Hospitals, before he underwent at a 2 year fellowship in Inflammatory Eye Disease/Uveitis and Medical Retina specialisation at the renowned Moorfields Eye Hospital, London. Here, Peter gained experience in the medical and surgical treatment of complex retinal and inflammatory eye disease, including cataract surgery.
Uveitis and Medical Retina Specialist
Cataract Surgeon and General Ophthalmologist
MBBS BSc (Med) MMed (Ophthsc) FRANZCO